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Szálinger Balázs

The Star-Eyed Shepherd

Premier - 2016. 10. 08.

Szálinger Balázs: A csillagszemű juhász A csillagszemű juhász

90 minutes 1 intermission

Main Stage

Giant puppet


90 minutes 1 intermission

The Star Eyed Shepherd is one of the most well known and most popular pieces of Hungarian folk tales.



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The Star Eyed Shepherd is one of the most well known and most popular pieces of Hungarian folk tales. Though at first sight the story may seem quite far-fetched, and unbelievable for the audience of the 21st century – as where can we meet shepherds nowadays, not to mention star eyed ones? –, even so it is talking about a very contemporary issue, while examining the immanence, reasoning and possibilities of power, without being up front political – creating a situation that the young school children visiting the performance of the Budapest Puppet Theatre can easily identify with. Doing it so primarily, as every child has a firsthand knowledge of their own daily experiences of the basic situation.  This experience is to obey the orders of power, the forced obedience, and the reasoning of the adults towards children with saying frequently “do this, do that”, is simply just “because I said so”.  And the king of the tale can only rely on his position of power, when the shepherd puts on an obviously righteous question “why anyone should say “bless you”, just because the king has sneezed”.

Markó Róbert director

In the framework of CAFe Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival 



A csillagszemű juhász még tudja, hogy kell élni - kritika a kultura.hu oldalon

Egyszer volt, egyszer lesz - kritika a revizoronline.com oldalon

Játék a csillagszemben - kritika a magyaridok.hu oldalon

Mi vagyunk a grund - kritika a magyarnarancs.hu oldalon

Nem használtam eszköznek a mesét - interjú Szálinger Balázzsal



2017. Színikritikusok Díja - A legjobb gyerek- és ifjúsági előadás


  • Written by

    Szálinger Balázs
  • Dramaturgy

    Nagy Orsolya
  • Composer

    Zságer-Varga Ákos
  • Designer

    Cziegler Balázs
  • Costume and puppet designer

    Michac Gábor
  • Music consultant

    Némedi Árpád
  • Choreographer

    Fitos Dezső, Kocsis Enikő
  • Director Assistant

    Bánky Eszter
  • Directed by

    Markó Róbert

2016. 10. 08.

Types of puppets Giant puppet

The Star Eyed Shepherd is one of the most well known and most popular pieces of Hungarian folk tales. Though at first sight the story may seem quite far-fetched, and unbelievable for the audience of the 21st century – as where can we meet shepherds nowadays, not to mention star eyed ones? –, even so it is talking about a very contemporary issue, while examining the immanence, reasoning and possibilities of power, without being up front political – creating a situation that the young school children visiting the performance of the Budapest Puppet Theatre can easily identify with. Doing it so primarily, as every child has a firsthand knowledge of their own daily experiences of the basic situation.  This experience is to obey the orders of power, the forced obedience, and the reasoning of the adults towards children with saying frequently “do this, do that”, is simply just “because I said so”.  And the king of the tale can only rely on his position of power, when the shepherd puts on an obviously righteous question “why anyone should say “bless you”, just because the king has sneezed”.

Markó Róbert director

In the framework of CAFe Budapest Contemporary Arts Festival 


  • Written by

    Szálinger Balázs
  • Dramaturgy

    Nagy Orsolya
  • Composer

    Zságer-Varga Ákos
  • Designer

    Cziegler Balázs
  • Costume and puppet designer

    Michac Gábor
  • Music consultant

    Némedi Árpád
  • Choreographer

    Fitos Dezső, Kocsis Enikő
  • Director Assistant

    Bánky Eszter
  • Directed by

    Markó Róbert

A csillagszemű juhász még tudja, hogy kell élni - kritika a kultura.hu oldalon

Egyszer volt, egyszer lesz - kritika a revizoronline.com oldalon

Játék a csillagszemben - kritika a magyaridok.hu oldalon

Mi vagyunk a grund - kritika a magyarnarancs.hu oldalon

Nem használtam eszköznek a mesét - interjú Szálinger Balázzsal