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Marosvásárhelyi Művészeti Egyetem

The Ladder Within




55 minutes with no intermission

Ország Lili Studio


Ország Lili Stúdió

55 minutes with no intermission

The performance The ladder within is a poetry theatre production based primarily on the gems of Sándor Weöres' poem The Tattered Carpet, in which poems come and go, join together, separate, find each other, conflict, and contradict each other. The characters are the words, the plot is their relationship to each other.
Choreography, musicality and animation are essential formal elements of the production, creating a sense of the dense atmosphere of the scenes, associating images with the text and also functioning as an important means of expression.

(in Hungarian)



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Abstract video

The performance The ladder within is a poetry theatre production based primarily on the gems of Sándor Weöres' poem The Tattered Carpet, in which poems come and go, join together, separate, find each other, conflict, and contradict each other. They provide a space and an opportunity to create old and new forms of expression, with the central idea of the poem as a broader theatrical medium. The characters are the words, the plot is their relationship to each other.

The miniatures in The Tattered Carpet are characterised by a duality: serious and profound philosophical content is usually combined with playfulness and light rhythmic musicality, which Sándor Weöres based on the traditions of European poetry, Eastern philosophies and Hungarian folk songs.
Choreography, musicality and animation are essential formal elements of the production, creating a sense of the dense atmosphere of the scenes, associating images with the text and also functioning as an important means of expression.


The program is part of the 10th Theatre Olympics.

  • Written by

    Weöres Sándor
  • Dramaturgy

    Kocsis Rozi
  • Music by

    Krulik Zoltán
  • Assistant

    Oltean Márk
  • Directed by

    Bartal Kiss Rita
  • Cast

    Bíró Eszter, Stekbauer-Hanzi Réka, Nagy Timea, Tőrös Szilvia, Vén Evelin

The performance The ladder within is a poetry theatre production based primarily on the gems of Sándor Weöres' poem The Tattered Carpet, in which poems come and go, join together, separate, find each other, conflict, and contradict each other. They provide a space and an opportunity to create old and new forms of expression, with the central idea of the poem as a broader theatrical medium. The characters are the words, the plot is their relationship to each other.

The miniatures in The Tattered Carpet are characterised by a duality: serious and profound philosophical content is usually combined with playfulness and light rhythmic musicality, which Sándor Weöres based on the traditions of European poetry, Eastern philosophies and Hungarian folk songs.
Choreography, musicality and animation are essential formal elements of the production, creating a sense of the dense atmosphere of the scenes, associating images with the text and also functioning as an important means of expression.


The program is part of the 10th Theatre Olympics.

  • Written by

    Weöres Sándor
  • Dramaturgy

    Kocsis Rozi
  • Music by

    Krulik Zoltán
  • Assistant

    Oltean Márk
  • Directed by

    Bartal Kiss Rita
  • Cast

    Bíró Eszter, Stekbauer-Hanzi Réka, Nagy Timea, Tőrös Szilvia, Vén Evelin

Photos of the play