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What is Alma Thinking about?

Premier - 2019. 03. 21.


30 minutes with no intermission + 20 perc foglalkozás

Kemény Henrik Stage

Object game

Kemény Henrik Terem

30 minutes with no intermission + 20 perc foglalkozás

Close your eyes and think of a cube. There it is! Now think of an orb. Can you see it? There it rolls! Now think of a…wait, what is that? Who asked for this? Where did it came? And why?



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Gallery of the show

Close your eyes and think of a cube. There it is! Now think of an orb. Can you see it? There it rolls! Now think of a…wait, what is that? Who asked for this? Where did it came? And why?

We invite the smallest of our audience to have a journey in their thoughts, where they always can find something to discover, each corner full of ideas and problems, colours and sounds, forms, and challenges. Something is always happening. But what is an idea good for? And what so we do with a problem? Or another? Will we let someone else in our thoughts, our own private playground? And if we do, what do we do with them? This show, directed by Varsányi Péter, tries to find the answers to all these questions.



Babaház - kritika a spirituszonline.hu oldalon



2022. Kemény Henrik-díj - Színészi díj gyerekszínházi előadásban nyújtott teljesítményért: Pájer Alma Virág, X. Kaposvári ASSITEJ Nemzetközi Gyermek- és Ifjúsági Színházi Biennále

  • Music by

    Tarr Bernadett
  • Dramaturgy

    Pallai Mara
  • Costume and puppet design

    Molnár Anna
  • Design

    Slárku Anett
  • Consultant

    Végvári Viktória
  • Director Assistant, Stage manager

    Fogarassy Katalin
  • Directed by

    Varsányi Péter

2019. 03. 21.

Types of puppets Object game

Close your eyes and think of a cube. There it is! Now think of an orb. Can you see it? There it rolls! Now think of a…wait, what is that? Who asked for this? Where did it came? And why?

We invite the smallest of our audience to have a journey in their thoughts, where they always can find something to discover, each corner full of ideas and problems, colours and sounds, forms, and challenges. Something is always happening. But what is an idea good for? And what so we do with a problem? Or another? Will we let someone else in our thoughts, our own private playground? And if we do, what do we do with them? This show, directed by Varsányi Péter, tries to find the answers to all these questions.


  • Music by

    Tarr Bernadett
  • Dramaturgy

    Pallai Mara
  • Costume and puppet design

    Molnár Anna
  • Design

    Slárku Anett
  • Consultant

    Végvári Viktória
  • Director Assistant, Stage manager

    Fogarassy Katalin
  • Directed by

    Varsányi Péter

Babaház - kritika a spirituszonline.hu oldalon