Ország Lili Stúdió
60 minutes with no intermission
Sven Nordqvist’s stories about Pettson and Findus are well-known and loved all around the world by not only children but their parents as well. Pettson is a lonely handyman from the countryside, and Findus is his meddlesome cat. Findus – just like every child – asks many questions, and when he doesn’t like something, he just runs away.
Sven Nordqvist’s stories about Pettson and Findus are well-known and loved all around the world by not only children but their parents as well. Pettson is a lonely handyman from the countryside, and Findus is his meddlesome cat. Findus – just like every child – asks many questions, and when he doesn’t like something, he just runs away.
Pettson – just like every adult – sets some rules, sometimes he loses his patience, but he loves his giddy cat dearly. The space of the show is full of warm colours and funny furniture that evokes both the feeling of a child’s room and of a handyman’s workshop: there are countless nooks, drawers, and corners to play with. Both parent’s and children’s point of views are presented, making sure that everyone can find themselves in this show.
Permission for adaptation was received by Colombine Teaterförlag, and by Proscenium Copyright Agency Ltd.
Kismacska, nagy gond - kritika a revizoronline.com oldalon
Cicám nélkül soha - kritika az Egyfelvonás Blogon
Ahol a muklák mindig segítenek - kritika a Fidelio oldalon
Pettson és Findusz, a furcsa pár - ajánló a Bábszínház blogon
A Bábszínház bemutatja a Pettson és Finduszt - ajánló a hvg.hu oldalon
Zenés "macskakaparás" a Budapest Bábszínházban - ajánló a Fidelio oldalon
A hóbortos macska és az öreg - ajánló a Fidelio oldalon
Pettson és Findusz a Budapest Bábszínházban - ajánló a kultura.hu oldalon
Nullától száz éves korig - interjú Bereczki Csilla rendezővel a szinhaz.hu oldalon
A szülő-gyerek kapcsolat összes bája megjelenik az előadásban - interjú Bereczki Csilla rendezővel a Fidelio oldalon
Written by
Sven NordqvistAdapted for stage
Fekete ÁdámDramaturgy
Gimesi DóraMusic by
Márkos AlbertDesigned by
Lisztopád KrisztinaChoreography
Hegymegi MátéDirector Assistant
Bánky EszterDirector
Bereczki CsillaPettson
Ács NorbertFindus
Ellinger EdinaSven, mucla boy
L. Nagy AttilaFrida, mucla girl
Podlovics LauraChicks and Mice
Rusz JuditMrs Andersson
Pallai MaraMr Gustavsson
Teszárek CsabaKeys
Wagner-Puskás Péter m. v.Sven Nordqvist’s stories about Pettson and Findus are well-known and loved all around the world by not only children but their parents as well. Pettson is a lonely handyman from the countryside, and Findus is his meddlesome cat. Findus – just like every child – asks many questions, and when he doesn’t like something, he just runs away.
Pettson – just like every adult – sets some rules, sometimes he loses his patience, but he loves his giddy cat dearly. The space of the show is full of warm colours and funny furniture that evokes both the feeling of a child’s room and of a handyman’s workshop: there are countless nooks, drawers, and corners to play with. Both parent’s and children’s point of views are presented, making sure that everyone can find themselves in this show.
Permission for adaptation was received by Colombine Teaterförlag, and by Proscenium Copyright Agency Ltd.
Written by
Sven NordqvistAdapted for stage
Fekete ÁdámDramaturgy
Gimesi DóraMusic by
Márkos AlbertDesigned by
Lisztopád KrisztinaChoreography
Hegymegi MátéDirector Assistant
Bánky EszterDirector
Bereczki CsillaPettson
Ács NorbertFindus
Ellinger EdinaSven, mucla boy
L. Nagy AttilaFrida, mucla girl
Podlovics LauraChicks and Mice
Rusz JuditMrs Andersson
Pallai MaraMr Gustavsson
Teszárek CsabaKeys
Wagner-Puskás Péter m. v.Kismacska, nagy gond - kritika a revizoronline.com oldalon
Cicám nélkül soha - kritika az Egyfelvonás Blogon
Ahol a muklák mindig segítenek - kritika a Fidelio oldalon
Pettson és Findusz, a furcsa pár - ajánló a Bábszínház blogon
A Bábszínház bemutatja a Pettson és Finduszt - ajánló a hvg.hu oldalon
Zenés "macskakaparás" a Budapest Bábszínházban - ajánló a Fidelio oldalon
A hóbortos macska és az öreg - ajánló a Fidelio oldalon
Pettson és Findusz a Budapest Bábszínházban - ajánló a kultura.hu oldalon
Nullától száz éves korig - interjú Bereczki Csilla rendezővel a szinhaz.hu oldalon
A szülő-gyerek kapcsolat összes bája megjelenik az előadásban - interjú Bereczki Csilla rendezővel a Fidelio oldalon