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Marék Veronika

Boribon and Annipanni

Premier - 2013. 10. 08.

Marék Veronika: Boribon és Annipanni

90 minutes 1 intermission

Main Stage



90 minutes 1 intermission

The heroes of Marék Veronika’s story are world-famous, generations loved the story of the bear and the little girl. The magic of their everyday adventures is perhaps that they are familiar to every child ever.

Gallery of the show

The heroes of Marék Veronika’s story are world-famous, generations loved the story of the bear and the little girl. The magic of their everyday adventures is perhaps that they are familiar to every child ever. Everyone wanted a little red car, became friends with a stray cat or built a fort under the table. Everybody has been ill before, blow bubbles in the bathtub, or asked for one more tale before bedtime. And everyone has a best friend, like Annipanni has Boribon and Boribon has Annipanni.

Their connection is an interesting mixture or friendship and mother-child relationship. But either ways, unconditional love is what connects them. This show about Boribon and Annipanni is a huge hug, full of love.

The show is based on the books Boribon and Annipanni, Good night, Annipanni!, Boribon’s birthday, Boribon is ill, Boribon’s cottage and Annipanni, tell me a story! The songs of the show were released as an album “Boribon plays music”, which was awarded as best children’s album with a Fonogram-award in 2011.



Bábszínházban Boribon - kritika a Ványabácsi Blogon

Élménybeszámoló - ajánló a babafalva.hu oldalon

Annipanni szalonjában megállt az idő - kritika a prae.hu oldalon

Bábjáték a híres Boribon-sorozatból - ajánló a kultura.hu oldalon

Boribon és Annipanni - ajánló a barangolocsalad.hu oldalon

Nagyszínpadi előadás a legkisebbeknek - ajánló a Fidelion



2014. Üveghegy-díj - A legjobb gyerekszínházi előadás, VII. Kaposvári ASSITEJ Nemzetközi Gyermek- és Ifjúsági Színházi Biennále

2014. Színikritikusok Díja - A legjobb gyerek- és ifjúsági előadás

2014. 21. Szabadkai Nemzetközi Gyermekszínházi Fesztivál

A legjobb előadásnak járó díja

A legjobb színésznek járó díja - Bercsényi Péter

  • Written by

    Marék Veronika
  • Adapted for stage

    Gimesi Dóra
  • Lyrics

    Marék Veronika
  • Music composer

    Tallér Zsófia
  • Visual designer

    Lisztopád Krisztina
  • Choreography

    Sipos Vera
  • Director Assistant

    Kalmár Éva
  • Director Assistant

    Csonka Maresz
  • Directed by

    Ellinger Edina

2013. 10. 08.

Types of puppets Bunraku

The heroes of Marék Veronika’s story are world-famous, generations loved the story of the bear and the little girl. The magic of their everyday adventures is perhaps that they are familiar to every child ever. Everyone wanted a little red car, became friends with a stray cat or built a fort under the table. Everybody has been ill before, blow bubbles in the bathtub, or asked for one more tale before bedtime. And everyone has a best friend, like Annipanni has Boribon and Boribon has Annipanni.

Their connection is an interesting mixture or friendship and mother-child relationship. But either ways, unconditional love is what connects them. This show about Boribon and Annipanni is a huge hug, full of love.

The show is based on the books Boribon and Annipanni, Good night, Annipanni!, Boribon’s birthday, Boribon is ill, Boribon’s cottage and Annipanni, tell me a story! The songs of the show were released as an album “Boribon plays music”, which was awarded as best children’s album with a Fonogram-award in 2011.


  • Written by

    Marék Veronika
  • Adapted for stage

    Gimesi Dóra
  • Lyrics

    Marék Veronika
  • Music composer

    Tallér Zsófia
  • Visual designer

    Lisztopád Krisztina
  • Choreography

    Sipos Vera
  • Director Assistant

    Kalmár Éva
  • Director Assistant

    Csonka Maresz
  • Directed by

    Ellinger Edina

Bábszínházban Boribon - kritika a Ványabácsi Blogon

Élménybeszámoló - ajánló a babafalva.hu oldalon

Annipanni szalonjában megállt az idő - kritika a prae.hu oldalon

Bábjáték a híres Boribon-sorozatból - ajánló a kultura.hu oldalon

Boribon és Annipanni - ajánló a barangolocsalad.hu oldalon

Nagyszínpadi előadás a legkisebbeknek - ajánló a Fidelion


10 years anniversary